The Launch of Coke Studio Bangla | BRONZE

Agency: Wavemaker Bangladesh Color: BRONZE BACKGROUND: Coke Studio is among the biggest assets for Coca-Cola, with its music and songs entertaining millions of people all over the world. In Bangladesh,…

Rukhe Dao Breast Cancer | BRONZE

Agency: Lie to Eye Color: BRONZE BACKGROUND: 96 out of 100 women cannot perform breast cancer self-checkup due to the lack of visual references in mass media due to social…

Road Block – Eid Content Takeover | BRONZE

Agency: Asiatic Mindshare Ltd. Color: BRONZE BACKGROUND: Eid is the time of the year when everyone is reunited with their roots. People call and text Eid wishes. During Eid, mobile…

Maggi Ramadan 2022 Campaign | BRONZE

Agency: Wavemaker Bangladesh Color: BRONZE BACKGROUND: During Ramadan, the busy life and traffic barely leave enough time to prepare several dishes at the iftar according to family members' preferences. At…

Foodmania | BRONZE

Agency: Asiatic Mindshare Ltd. Color: BRONZE BACKGROUND: Different foods have different craving times throughout the day. What if someone sees the food he or she wants now and they can…

Ruchi – Shaad Bodoler Jadu | SILVER

Agency: Sun Communications Ltd. Color: SILVER BACKGROUND: Ruchi Pickle is one of the growing products from the Ruchi brand. Many other players are present in the market, but any communication…

Robi Health Plus | SILVER

Agency: Wavemaker Bangladesh Color: SILVER BACKGROUND: Health Plus is Robi Co-Branded Digital Insurance Service App that offers hospital cash back, in-app doctor consultation, and health-related information services. During the Covid-19…

Media Consolidation | SILVER

Agency: Asiatic Mindshare Ltd. Color: SILVER BACKGROUND: Pureit is already the category leader in the water-purifier space. And the growth rate is "still" in double digits. And Asiatic Mindshare Ltd.'s…

Khoroch Komlo bKash-e | GOLD

Agency: FCB Bitopi Color: GOLD BACKGROUND: 'bKash' is a pioneer in the mobile financial sector in Bangladesh, which started its journey from 'Cash Out' and 'Send Money' service to providing…