Tanjina Khondokar (Lopa) is a seasoned professional in the development and execution of media stockholder management and solution provider including planning, monitoring, reporting and analysis. She has extensive knowledge of media trends, tools, planning and analytics platforms. As a true professional she can balance a company and client’s objectives, thereby ensuring that a target audience gets the right message. Sharp Analytical abilities- Defining TG’s (Target Group) 360 Media Exposer, Big Data Analysis, Media Trend, Monitoring, Performance, Media Industry Analysis, Category SOM, SOV & SOE Analysis, Media/Brand/Category SWOT Analysis, Media Investment Forecasting, High Value Audience Mapping (HVAM) etc. She can understand Brand Tracking Report/Brand Health Analysis well. Effective Media Solutions- Highly organized Media Planning, Effective and Efficient Campaign Strategies, Media Management, PR, Sports Marketing. Internal and external communication expertise- Client Servicing, Team management, Problem-Solving Skill, Excellent attention to detail and time-management skills. Her confidence level, hardworking and dedication towards the work are the USP for her. Major Local and Global experience: Banglalink Digital Communication Ltd., The Coca-Cola Company, Marico Bangladesh, European Union, Meghna Group, Apex Footwear, Nokia, Igloo Ice-cream, SESA Care Bangladesh Ltd., Berger Paint Bangladesh Ltd., Ayat Education, Hygienic Research Institute Bangladesh, Trust Axiata Pay etc.