You are currently viewing Galaxy F13 OVC | BRONZE

Agency : X – Integrated Marketing Agency

Color : BRONZE

BACKGROUND: Samsung launched the Galaxy Fl3 targeting the Genz who are always up for binge-watching with their devices. To establish the message “Showtime Anytime” X – Integrated Marketing Agency created an OVC to portray the daily life of Genz using the device.

OBJECTIVES: This was to establish to Genz that Galaxy Fl3, with its packed features, is the perfect device for binge-watching.

CORE IDEA: Today, the youth, Genz is always up for binge-watching. Targeting this TG, Samsung launched a device that’s perfect for binge-watching because of its amazing display, refresh rate & other packed features at a reasonable price. So that Genz can have “showtime Anytime”. To portray the message, X – Integrated Marketing Agency created an OVC where a young guy uses his phone from day to night- everywhere- anywhere without any interruption with Galaxy Fl3, which one can’t resist.

EXECUTION: Since X- Integrated Marketing Agency wanted to show the daily journey of Gen Z, they executed the OVC keeping the device in one steady place to establish that it’s hard to resist yourself from binge-watching with Galaxy Fl3. They shot it in 2 days, both indoor and outdoor with team Witty shots.
RESULT: OVC views: l.4M+, Number of Engagement: 9.2K+, Youtube views: 2.9M+, Local display 199M+.